Analogous Palette Generator
The Analogous color scheme is used for creating a natural and cohesive look by combining colors that sit next to each other on the color wheel.
For 30° palette:
- Step 1: We convert the base color #4CAF50 to HSL to get 122°, 39%, and 49%
- Step 2: We calculate two hues, hsl(92,39%,49%)° (clockwise) and hsl(152,39%,49%)° (counterclockwise), keeping saturation and lightness the same.
- Step 3: We convert the hues back to HEX to form the triadic palette with the base and two companions.
Analogous palette of #4CAF50 with a 60° hue separation
Analogous palette of #4CAF50 with a 30° hue separation
Analogous palette of #4CAF50 with a 90° hue separation