Split-complementary Palette Generator

The Split-complementary color scheme is used for balanced and visually appealing designs by using a base color and two adjacent to its complement.

For the split-complementary palette:

  • Step 1: We convert the base color #FFC107 to HSL to get 45°, 100.00%, and 51.37%.
  • Step 2: The complementary hue is calculated as 45° + 180° = 225° (wrapped within 0-360°).
  • Step 3: The split-complementary hues are calculated as 225° - 30° = 195° and 225° + 30° = 255°.
  • Step 4: We keep the same saturation and lightness and convert 195° and 255° back to HEX, resulting in #07c1ff and #4507ff.
Split-complementary palette of #FFC107. (Base, split 1, split 2)