Monochromatic Palette Generator
The Monochromatic color scheme is used for creating clean and harmonious designs by varying the shades, tones, and tints of a single color.
Monochromatic palette steps:
- For a palette with 10 steps and 5 levels:
- Step 1: We convert the base color #4A90E2 to HSL to get 212°, 72%, and 59%
- Step 2: We calculate new lightness values by adding and subtracting steps of 10% for 5 levels, ensuring they remain within the range of 0% to 100%. Lighter values: 69, 79, 89, 99, 100%. Darker values: 49, 39, 29, 19, 9%.
- Step 3: We generate lighter and darker shades while keeping the hue (212°) and saturation (72%) constant.
Monochromatic palettes for #4A90E2
Light Palette (5 steps, 3 levels)
Medium Palette (10 steps, 5 levels)
Dark Palette (15 steps, 5 levels)
Vibrant Palette (12 steps, 7 levels)
Muted Palette (8 steps, 4 levels)